
First Day!


Hello again! Today was my first day at my new job! It went so well, I'm so happy that I got this job T.T I missed having work so badly, even though my feet are killing me after only being on them for 3 hours. Idk how I'll last on Friday when I have a 6 hour shift, plz pray for me.

I got register rlly easily, thankfully I've used that system and app from a boba job I used to work at so that was a relief! When we got on bar I was able to learn about callibrating the espresso shots and pulled a bunch of them! I was so worried about when it came time to froth the milk. I've been practicing a lot at home with my roommates machine and they've been okay, but I got my latte foam right on the second try! The manager even showed everyone too! (yes praise 100% works on me) Then it was time for latte art, I'm still struggling but I only did it twice so I'm sure I'll have more practice with it next time I work.

Although it was only 3 hours of work, I came home and passed out for like 4 hours. I was so tired! It's very hard waking up early after having a month of being able to sleep in, add that to using a lot more brain power than usual, trying to keep all the information thrown at me, and then just working and moving around. My body was done. Also my throat was so sore! I'm very used to not talking at home. Like there's so many thoughts in my head that are so loud that I just always have something keeping me entertained. So having to use my voice and take customers orders was a lot for one day. I'm hoping I'll get used to it more and more once I start working!

Other than that, I feel really good for what I accomplished today! I'm happy I got tomorrow off and so does my partner! So it'll be nice to spend some time together! Today I'll just keep working on the website and adding whatever I can! Bye!